Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Auction Item: Explorer's Guide

I first met writer and former travel agent Amy Rea through her popular and highly entertaining knitting and cooking blog, Knit Think. This year, Amy authored a new book, "Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes: An Explorer's Guide," and we've got a signed copy for our auction!

The publisher wanted to make use of our famous state motto, thus the book's official title - but Amy has done her homework, and is very aware that the lake count is considerably higher. She did most of her exhaustive research in person, on site, and her book shows it. Within these 400+ pages you will find tourist spots and secluded woods, chocolatiers and local dives, swanky lodges and cabins for families on a budget. If you hunt, fish, hike, shop, eat, play, or simply drive around and enjoy our unique and beautiful state, you will find new and wonderful places to explore.

Amy is still doing research; she really loves Minnesota! You can find new and updated information on her travel blog here.

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